Signed in as:
Signed in as:
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2022, 2:00 PM
Connie Ramos, Council Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 2:05. Estrella Brown gave the opening prayer.
Members present: Connie Ramos, Ron Haley, Estrella Brown, Jackie Schiedler, Suzie Breeden, Anita Laing. Absent: Jewel Lee, Dynah Dolah, Phyllis Russelman. Father Mark Gikenyi and Deacon Paul Cramer were also present.
Estrella read the minutes. Father made one correction: SJB items #5. The word “Father” should be changed to “Pastor.” The minutes with the correction were then M/S/P.
1. Changes were made in the bulletin to inform parishioners that hospitality will be the first Sunday of each month unless otherwise notified.
2. Parishioners filled out the Registration sheets. After they were given to Father, he brought them to NBVM Hall. Estrella will go through them to let Suzie know of families who haven’t updated their registration. On a side note, Deacon Paul will inform NBVM parishioners to fill out their sheets to update their information and to add an email address.
3. The roofing of the Church was continuing on this day. (As a matter of fact, at the end of the meeting, Father received a call that the Roof Doctor had finished the project.) The cost was $20,000.00. SJB made a down payment of $10,000.00 before the project started. The balance will be given to the company on Monday. Father will talk to Chris about the final payment on Monday.
4. There is still a desire to have a rectory photo book or just a directory for both parishes. No decision was made about the process to complete this project.
5. SJB will have their regular Parish Council meeting on Sun. Jan. 15, after their 11:15 Mass.
6. Bible study at SJB will start in the near future at the home of Kathy Reandeau. Information will be given later.
7. Father stated once again that if a parishioner no longer wants to be in charge of a ministry, he/she must call Father and let him know.
1. Ron discussed maintenance needed for the Toshiba Printer which is used to print the bulletin. This printer is able to print ledger size that is needed for the bulletin. Maintenance needs to be from a Toshiba contractor. He will be working with his contact person, Tracy, who will do the research for Ron. He may also look at an HP printer that will do ledger size paper. Ron will do research on the cost of the Toshiba maintenance vs. the cost of a new printer.
2. Ron has found a business who designs and maintains web pages. It will cost between $20 and $30 a month. St. John’s will also be included on the web site. Ron will contact other web designers to get other bids.
3. The meeting of the past Finance Council, Oct. 26, 2022, was discussed. **
A. Terra Firma bid for the Rectory basement quote-$26,209.80, between Nov. 28-Dec. 5.
M/S/P that the bid be accepted from Terra Firma for the rectory basement work.
B.Exterior work on the rectory which would be summer of 2023 project-$18,000.00.
M/S/P that the exterior work for the rectory be approved.
C. M/S/P that the purchase of a new refrigerator for the Rectory be approved.
D. M/S/P that the purchase of the new washing machine for the Rectory be approved.
E. There were other items that still need to be discussed by the Finance Council:
I. Terra Firma work for the basement of the church. Their bid was $42,000.00 for sealing under the church and repairing the beam support. The Council will check on other bids.
II. Cracks in the parking lot need to be fixed.
III. Repairs for the hall and the men’s restroom.
IV. Replace the hatch to the Rectory basement for security and safety.
V. M/S/P that the Finance Council get bids on the remaining projects.
4. M/S/P that the Parish reimburses Connie Ramos and Ron Haley for registration, meals, hotel rooms, and mileage for their participation at the Archdiocese Pastoral meeting at Queen of Peace Parish in Salem on Nov. 18-19, 2022.
Other items of business
1. A new chalice needs to be purchased for St. John’s. The cost is $750.00 plus shipping from Spain.
M/S/P that St. John’s purchase a new chalice. Until it arrives, St. John will use one of NBVM’s chalices. Ron will order the new chalice for SJB.
2. Upcoming Mass schedules
A. Thanksgiving mass-10:00 at NBVM
B. Christmas: Sat. Dec. 24 – 5:00 SJB
8:00 NBVM
Sun. Dec. 25 –10:00 NBVM
C. New Years: Sat. Dec. 31 – 5:00 NBVM
Sun. Jan 1 – 9:00 NBVM
11:15 SJB
D. Thurs. Dec. 9-Feast of the Immaculate Conception: 11:00 NBVM
6:00 SJB
3. Advent Reconciliation
Father will contact another priest and the date will be announced later.
4. The Magnificat books are here and will be distributed before the start of Advent.
5. Upcoming events:
A. Sat. Jan. 28, 2023, 2:00-Parish Council meeting for NBVM
B. Sat. March 11, 2023, 2:00-Joint Council meeting at NBVM
6. Thank you by Father
A. To Estrella Brown for organizing the NBVM Hall clean up
B. To Ron for his research and the purchase of the new computer, monitor, key board, and mouse.
C. To Jackie for the hard work maintaining the grounds.
Jackie will give the opening prayer at NBVM’s next Parish Council meeting, 1/28/23.
Connie gave the final prayer-the Unity Prayer.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Estrella Brown
** I talked to John Wallace and received more information about the bid on the exterior work that will be completed on the Church. Replace all dry rot, caulk, paint all three levels, shake siding on the dormers and around upper windows.
One/half of the bid for Terra Firma has been paid. The amount stated above is the total after the $2,912.00 discount.
The next meeting to be announced
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church-Rainier
Mailing Address: Nativity and St Johns the Baptist 204 East C Street, Rainier, Oregon 97048, P.O. Box 340 United States