Signed in as:
Signed in as:
OCTOBER 7, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 by Connie Ramos, chairperson, with The Unity Prayer.
Members and ex-0fficio members present: Connie Ramos, Ron Haley, Jewel Lee, Jackie Schiedler, Estrella Brown, Fr. Mark Gikenyi. Absent: Deacon Paul Cramer
The minutes were read by Estrella. Father made two corrections: the year of the dates for the meetings were changed to 2023 instead of 2024. NBVM PC meeting changed from Oct. 7, 2024 to Oct. 7, 2023. Joint meeting changed from Oct. 14, 2024 to Oct. 14. 2023. Estrella will make those corrections on the minutes. It was M/S/P to approve of the minutes with the corrections. (Jackie/Jewel)
1. New albs and surplice-Ron
M/S/P that the Finance Council purchase new albs for Father and Deacon and a new surplice for Ron. Ron will let the Finance Council know.
2. Copy Machine-Ron
Ron did research into buying a new copy machine. There are 2 possibilities:
Machine #1- $140.39/month for a 63-month contract.
Machine #2- $$168.29/month for a 63 month contract. More capabilities than #1-scan, email, USB port, staples, hole punch, fold into booklets, etc.
Ron discussed the advantages of each. No matter which machine is chosen, the company would service the machine monthly.
Another alternative is to use the machine at St. Frederick’s in St. Helen. We would, of course, have to bring our own paper, and someone would have to be willing to travel to copy the bulletin.
After discussion and questions, it was decided to wait and discuss during our joint council meeting.
3. Cleaning Contract-Father
There are concerns dealing with the contract and the mileage cost for ours and St. John’s cleaner, Nellie. Father wanted us to know that the Finance Council will be working on the items.
4. Eucharistic Revival-Father
Father handed out two items that he received at the Convocation 2023 with Archbishop Sample in Newport, Or. The US Bishops are very concerned that many Catholics do not accept the real presence of Christ in our Eucharist. With that in mind, the Parish Book of Eucharistic Devotions and the tri-fold card Cathechism of the Catholic Church-THE SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST will hopefully be made available to parishioners. “For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.” Cathechism of the Catholic Church 1324
Father suggested that even when songs are chosen for the Mass emphasis on the Eucharist should be truly considered. The Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place during Advent on Sundays at 3:00 with hopes that it will be continued every Sunday.
5. The Archbishop Catholic Appeal-Father
Contributions have decreased throughout the Archdiocese. NBVM brought in 70.96% of the expectations. SJB brought in 59.99% of expectations. What are some ideas to help increase donations to the appeal? We felt that the films that the Archbishop has sent out at the start of the campaign were very inspiring. What else can be done?
6. Seminarian Appeal-Father
Tuition for each seminarian costs around $50,000/year. The Appeal will be mailed to each parishioner. One idea given was that maybe a seminarian can visit a parish to “meet and greet” at a gathering with the parishioners.
7. Deacon will put together the Advent and Christmas schedule of 2023.
8. Letter from Rosa Gonzalez, representing Archbishop Sample-Estrella
On April 12, 2023, Ron received a letter from Rosa asking for a response to 3 questions: Do you have a Parish Council? Who are the members? How do they see their role within the Parish? He passed that to Estrella, who, in turn, sent an email to the Parish Council members. After receiving their responses, Estrella wrote back to Rosa with a compilation of ideas from the members. The letter to Rosa was read to the members. A copy of the letter was given to each member and will be added to these minutes.
9. Covering the Statues during Lent-Ron
Ron will work with Kathy about working on a pull-down cover over 4 statues and the Divine Mercy picture. We have material that wraps around the statues but a pull-down cover would be better.
10. Church Window Frames-Ron
Ron stated that this item is on the “To Do” list for the Finance Council. This year 2 main projects had to be completed: waterproofing the basement and outside painting of the rectory.
11. Advent Retreat-Connie
Monsignor O'Connor has been assigned a parish. His time is filled with those duties. If anybody has suggestions for a retreat leader, please let Connie know.
12. Columbia Pregnancy Center-Connie
The CPC has need for diapers and other baby supplies. We can ask Parishioners to donate supplies by bringing them to church for a box for the CPC.
13. Mass worksheets-Estrella
Estrella reported that she put together worksheets for children in both parishes for about a month. It required a lot of time and a lot of paper. We need to come up with something better.
14. HOPE-Jewel
HOPE will be sending a letter to all of the churches in Rainier sponsoring a competition for whichever church brings in the most food. Details will come later.
Next Parish Council meeting-Dec. 2, 2023 at 2:00
Reminder: Joint Parish Council meeting-Oct. 14, 2023, 1:30 at NBVM
Father gave the closing prayer.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40
***Note: Connie called Parish Council member on Tues, Oct. 10, 2023, that the Joint Meeting for Oct. 14 was canceled. A new one will be arranged.
A Parish Council Meeting will be held on
December 2, 2023 at 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church-Rainier
Mailing Address: Nativity and St Johns the Baptist 204 East C Street, Rainier, Oregon 97048, P.O. Box 340 United States
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