September 14, 2024
Connie Ramos, PC chair, called the meeting to order at 1:34 PM with an opening prayer.
Members present: Estrella Brown, Ron Haley, Jewel Lee. Also present were Father Mark Gikeny and Deacon Paul Cramer. Visitor: Theresa Jones. Member absent: Jackie Schiedler.
Estrella Brown read the minutes from our last meeting on Feb. 10, 2024. M/S/P that the minutes be accepted. (Ron and Jewel)
1. Christmas Pot Luck - Estrella
The Hospitality Ministry will be planning a Christmas Pot Luck Lunch for Sat. December 7 at 11:00. Parishioners from both the parish and the mission will be invited. Every person will be encouraged to bring a wrapped white elephant for a gift exchange. The hospitality will have extra wrapped gifts available. More information and advertising will be forthcoming.
2. Columbia Pregnancy Center - Estrella
The CPC is having a FUNDrive until Nov. 15. They will be collecting used items of clothing, books, household textiles, small household goods. An information sheet will be posted in the hall.
3. It was highly recommended that the door to the church be closed before Mass starts especially during the winter to save on our heating bill. Maybe one of our parishioners could help open the door to certain parishioners who have a difficult time opening the front door.
Some parishioners miss having this book in the holders in the pew. To accommodate those who would like to use the book or bring it home, they will be placed in the back to the church.
This book will be placed in the back of the church where parishioners may write down names of family and friends. The book will be brought up front with the collection basket.
Estrella read a draft of a handout that dealt with Funeral Planning Steps for our parishioners. She will rewrite with suggestions given by the council and Father, and then have Father look at the next draft before writing the final. Father would like her to present it at all of the masses at the beginning of Advent.
7. The Sacristy-maintenance
A new floor has already been placed in the sacristy. There is still a few more needs; new sink, new cabinets, counter tops, fridge, small wardrobe for the vestments. Russ Lenoir paid for the new floor after it was approved by an emergency Finance Council meeting. He will be reimbursed
Connie moved that money be used to handle all of the maintenance needed for the sacristy. It was seconded by Estrella. Passed by the Council.
8. St. Francis-Blessing of the Animals
The Blessing of the Animals will take place on the Feast Day of St. Francis-Fri. October 4, 10:30 AM before the 11:00 daily mass. Parishioners are invited to bring the furry and/or feathered friends.
9. Mass Schedule for November and December:
Oct, 31-Vigil at SJB (Father will ask SJB)
All Saints Day- Fri. Nov. 1st -11:00 AM
It was M/S/P (Connie/Estrella) that we have a Mass on All Souls Day
All Souls Day – Sat. Nov. 2nd – 11:00 NBVM
Sat. Nov. 2nd – regular Vigil Mass at 5:00PM
10. ADVENT 2024
Advent dates are Dec. 1, 8, 15, 22. The 8th is also the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
The books the MAGNIFICAT for Advent and Lent were ordered and delivered. We also ordered 33 DAYS TO EUCHARIST. Thank you, Connie.
11. Christmas Masses
Dec. 24th – Christmas Eve: SJB-4:00 PM; NBVM-8:00 PM
Dec. 25th – NBVM 10:00AM
Jan. 1 - NBVM 9:00 AM SJB 11:00 AM
13. Environmental Issue
Brenda Plourde will not be able to deal with the flowers especially during Advent and Lent because of allergy issues. Flowers need to watered and looking fresh for the Masses. If we continue with the lilies and the poinsettias, someone needs to water them everyday, We need to have a Christmas wreath around the Advent Candles. Parishioners, of course, need to volunteer to decorate the Church and take down the decorations.
14. Ron will be searching for a new Roma Censer.
15. Connie gave us an update on the prices for the purchase of new tables from Walmart, Amazon, and Target. We will have to look at the prices and decide.
16. Connie Ramos tendered her heartfelt resignation from the Pastoral Council beginning Set. 15, 2024. With sadness, we accepted her resignation and thanked her for all the hard work that she put in as Chair of the Parish Council.
The next Parish Council meeting will be Sat. Nov. 9, 2024. Ron, as Vice-Chair, will be presiding.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Estrella Brown
A Parish Council Meeting will be held on
November 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church-Rainier
Mailing Address: Nativity and St Johns the Baptist 204 East C Street, Rainier, Oregon 97048, P.O. Box 340 United States
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